use the web to ​impact the world.

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Your mission is too important to risk getting your website wrong.

Let us take care of the technical headache, so you can focus on your ministry.

  • The features you need
  • in the timeframe you need
  • within your budget.
Man smiling and using a computer at a coffee shop.

Trusted By:

Ligonier MinistriesElisabeth Elliot FoundationSouthern Baptist ConventionMoody Publishers (Bible to Life)Word of Grace MinistriesBaptist pressModern ReformationWhite Horse InnERLCFor the ChurchBanner of TruthMidwestern Baptist Theological SeminarySola MediaThe Spurgeon Center
Matt HeeremaAndrew JoyceVinnie Dauer

We Understand Your Mission

The Mere team are seasoned web experts, as well as ministers in the local church.

Meet the Team
Websites For Local ChurchesA church website crafted for you by experts, for just $1,999 + $99/mo.Learn More
Any time a church or ministry has asked me for a recommendation, Mere Agency is the first and only web developer I mention.Jonathan Howe, SBC Executive Committee

How it Works:

  • Schedule an initial consultation
  • We'll work with you to create a development plan and schedule that meets your needs, timeline, and budget
  • We build your project and maintain communication the whole way to make sure we're getting it right!
Start a Project
How much should my ministry website cost?Use our handy project quote builder to get a ballpark estimate for your website!Build my Quote
We couldn't be more pleased that God called and gifted Mere Agency to envision our dream and make it a tangible reality.Kathy Reeg, President, The Elisabeth Elliot Foundation