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Google Ads Grant Guide for Churches

Google Ads for Churches

Free Advertising for Your Church

Google is offering $10,000 a month in ad credit to all nonprofits, including churches. We can help you claim those funds and set up your church's advertising, free of charge.

What could your church do with a $120,000 marketing budget?

1. Apply for Google Ads Credits

The application process required to qualify for Google's Nonprofit Ads Grant can be difficult. Our team of experts will help you apply for and receive Google's $10,000 a month in ad credits, free of charge.

2. Receive $10,000 a Month in Adspend

Once approved, Google will provide your church with a grant for $10,000 every month to spend on ads. This can be used to increase the reach of your church, promote events for your community, and support your ministry in any way you see fit.

3. See the Results in Real Time

Stewarding your Google Ads budget well is crucial to the success of your campaign, but it's also necessary to avoid losing the grant altogether. Our team can take care of the day-to-day management and provide you with clear reporting to make sure your goals are accomplished.

Google Ad GrantsGoogle Ad Grants

Free Guide to Google's Ad Grant

Enter your email and ministry name below and we'll send you a free guide that contains all the info you need to apply for and receive Google's $10,000 Ad Grant, as well as best practices for your ad campaigns and suggested keywords.